“Xerosicyos danguyi”

“Xerosicyos danguyi” by Botany Notes, 2018

Scientific name: Xerosicyos danguyi Humbert
Common names: Silver Dollar Vine, Penny Plant
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Subfamily: Zanonioideae
Tribe: Zanonieae
Subtribe: Zanoniinae
Genus: Xerosicyos
Origin: Southwestern Madagascar
Sun: full / partical shade
Flowers: tiny yellowish-green in colour
Cold Tolerance: 0°C

I personally loves round leaves plant.
This has one of my favourite leaves.

“Petopentia natalensis” – yellow leaves

“Petopentia natalensis” by Botany Notes, Autumn 2018

Their leaves are turning to yellow and falling.
They don’t like coldness, so already are going dormant.

They are 2 years old, seedlings.
This winter will be their third one.
See you next year.

“Kedrostis Africana”- fruits

“Kedrostis Africana” by Botany Notes, 2018

“Kedrostis Africana” by Botany Notes, 2018

This is a fruit of my seedling of “Kedrostis Africana”, 1 year old (It’s the second Autumn, 2018). It has produced some fruits for first time. It had tiny green/yellow flowers in Summer.

All leaves are yellow and going dormant.

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” in Autumn

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BotanyNotes, 2018

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BotanyNotes, 2018

Family: Pedaliaceae
Genus: Uncarina
Origin: Madagascar
Sun: full

The seed does not germinate easily. My seeds germinated 2 out of 10.
It’s difficult to propergate by cuttings either.
However, it’s quite easy to care once it germinates.

My Uncarina Roeoesliana is slowing down and doesn’t take water so much, and seems going to sleep soon.

“Pelargonium Aridum”

“Pelargonium Aridum” by BN, 2018

[Family] : Geraniaceae

[Origin] : South Africa

[Water] : early February to late April, then from early August to late November
Keep completely dry in summer and rather dry winter

[Frost Tolerance] : +8° C

[Sun] : Light shade

[Flower]: Cream yellow

[Reproduction]: seeds, stem cuttings

I really like the shape of leaves.

They are like fireworks.

It’s time to be active in Autumn.

I’m looking forward to seeing more leaves.


“Pelargonium Aridum”
“Pelargonium Aridum” by BN, 2018

[英名] : Pelargonium Aridum

[科] : フウロソウ科 

[原産地] : 南アフリカ

[水やり] : 2月から4月までと、8月から11月ごろは水やりをする。真夏と真冬は水を切る。

[最低温度] : 8° C

[日光] : 明るい日陰

[花] : 白っぽい黄色

[増やしかた] : 種、挿し木



