“Philodendron Florida Beauty”

“Philodendron Florida Beauty”, in May 2021
“Philodendron Florida Beauty” on 13 MAY, 2021

Although I always love “Philodendron”, during the lockdown 2020, I properly have fallen in love with them!

I started to collect more varieties since then.

What an amazing leaf of “Philodendron Florida Beauty”.

I check its baby leaf every morning because it will be opened up very soon.


Philodendron は好きで、前から育てていたのだけど、去年のロックダウンの時に自分でも驚くほどにどハマりしたのだった。一年を通じて、惜しみなく新しい葉っぱを作り出すエネルギーと、創造的な形と模様に心底惚れてしまったのだ。




“Oxalis Megalorrhiza” – flowering

“Oxalis Megalorrhiza” by Botany Notes, 2019

“Oxalis Megalorrhiza” came to me about 3 weeks ago.

It arrived in a hot weather and had root rot. Especially summer time, we should use 1st class mail for live plants.

This is a very strong plant, it’s flowering now and produces seeds very quickly.

New leaves! – “Dischidia nummularia”

In early winter 2018, I fell in love with “Dischidia nummularia” and I bought one which was in a hangling basket. When I recieved it, it wasn’t in great codition. So I really wanted to make it healthier and well.

However, I couldn’t get it right. I didn’t know anything. It wasn’t similar to any other plants I have.

I failed, and it got smaller and smaller during this winter. 😢

Finally, spring has come…

“Dischidia nummularia”, 4.2019 by Botany Notes

“Dischidia nummularia”, 4.2019 by Botany Notes

They are growing so much now!

I am thinking they just don’t grow in winter as much as the other house plants?

Maybe, I didn’t need to do anything? What I could do was just waiting for spring?

I never know.

I will find out more beside them.

Making healthy thicker leaves project #1

“Dischidia Nummularia” by Botany Notes, 11. 2018

This is my new favourite, “Dischidia Nummularia”.

I got it because they have round leaves. (You might have already known that I like the round leaves. 😄)

After I received this plant, I thought…

“Dischidia Nummularia” by Botany Notes, 11. 2018

No I can’t be like that. It should be stronger, bigger and have thicker leaves! 😔

I went to search “Dischidia Nummularia” on Google and Instagram.

A lot of photos show that thicker round leaf as they are succulent.

And very few but some photos show the leaves like “mentos”!!! 🤩

Very very thick and fat round which I was amazed by.

How could I make my thin, plastic looking leaves like that?

Apparently, they need full direct sun to do that and it’s quite difficult matter here in London but I will do my best.

I want to make my Dischidia healthier and thicker!

It became one of my missions.