“Senecio haworthii (セネシオ銀月)”

“Senecio haworthii” by BN, 2018

[Scientific name] Senecio haworthii

[Japanese name / 和名] 銀月

[Common names] Woolly senecio / Ashweed

[Family] Asteraceae

[Origin] South Africa

[Flower] Yellow

[Culture / Care] They do need some water during the summer, but not too wet. Fertilise annually, but lightly.

Can prune then back where the stem is firm, in early spring.

[Notes] Lots of website states that they like full sun and a very few watering. However, people actually reported that they do need some water and are not good at full sun and hotness in the Summer.

(備考) Full sunと書いてあるサイトも多いけれど、実際に育てている方たちのブログやSNS では、暑さに弱く、直射日光は避けるべき&水が好き、という記述が目立つ。日中、太陽が高く登ってからの直射日光は避けたほうがよいと思う。