“Adenium Obesum” – gernimation – seedling

Germination of “Adenium Obesum”by BN, 2018

[Sowing] : 26. March. 2018

[Rooting] : 30. March. 2018

[Notes] : Medium – well drained cactus soil / electric propergator (about 30c)

It was very easy and quick to germinate. It also so quick to grow as well. After germination, I took them out from the electric propergator and put them in a nomal propergator.

[P.S.] : None of my seedlings couldn’t survive their first winter outside. It seems that they are not good at the coldness comparing to the other caudex plants I own. (Spring, 2019)

“Adenium Obesum” by BN, 2018
“Adenium Obesum” by BN, 2018
Seedlings of “Adenium Obesum” by BN, 2018