“Pelargonium Aridum”

“Pelargonium Aridum” by BN, 2018

[Family] : Geraniaceae

[Origin] : South Africa

[Water] : early February to late April, then from early August to late November
Keep completely dry in summer and rather dry winter

[Frost Tolerance] : +8° C

[Sun] : Light shade

[Flower]: Cream yellow

[Reproduction]: seeds, stem cuttings

I really like the shape of leaves.

They are like fireworks.

It’s time to be active in Autumn.

I’m looking forward to seeing more leaves.

“Discorea Elephantipes”

“Discorea elephantipes” by Botany Notes, 2018

“Discorea elephantipes” by Botany Notes, 2018

“Discorea elephantipes” by Botany Notes, 2018

It just woke up from its dormancy. It’s 2 years old and started being wrinkly!

“Operculicarya borealis”

“Operculicarya borealis” by BN, 2018

“Operculicarya borealis” by BN, 2018

I sowed the seed in 2016 and it’s 2 years old.

It loves water when it’s growing.

“Zehneria Scabra”

“Zehneria Scabra” by BN, 2018

“Zehneria Scabra” by BN, 2018

“Zehneria Scabra” by BN, 2018

“Zehneria Scabra” by BN, 2018

“Zehneria Scabra” by BN, 2018

I sowed the seeds on 7.May and these photos were taken in July.

They have grown so quickly.

Avoiding full sun and they love water in Summer.

It’s an edible fruit!

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” – germination – seedling

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BN, 31.7.2018

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BN, 02.08.2018

Sowing : 16.07.2018

Rooting: 30.07.2018

Sprouting: 02.08.2018

[Notes] Seed soaking for 24 hours / germinated in propagator / about 30℃ / well drained soil / Germination rate: 22% (2 out of 9 / 07.08.2018)

“Plectranthus Ernstii (プレクトランサス・エルンスティー)”

“Plectranthus Ernstii” by BN, 2018

[Common names] bonsai mint, bonsai spurflower

[Origin] South Africa

[Family] Lamiaceae

[Notes] プレクトランサス・エルンスティーはシソ科のCaudiciform plantです。葉がシソのようなとっても良い香りがして、近くでずっと香りを楽しんでいたくなる植物です。

“Senecio haworthii (セネシオ銀月)”

“Senecio haworthii” by BN, 2018

[Scientific name] Senecio haworthii

[Japanese name / 和名] 銀月

[Common names] Woolly senecio / Ashweed

[Family] Asteraceae

[Origin] South Africa

[Flower] Yellow

[Culture / Care] They do need some water during the summer, but not too wet. Fertilise annually, but lightly.

Can prune then back where the stem is firm, in early spring.

[Notes] Lots of website states that they like full sun and a very few watering. However, people actually reported that they do need some water and are not good at full sun and hotness in the Summer.

(備考) Full sunと書いてあるサイトも多いけれど、実際に育てている方たちのブログやSNS では、暑さに弱く、直射日光は避けるべき&水が好き、という記述が目立つ。日中、太陽が高く登ってからの直射日光は避けたほうがよいと思う。

“Dioscorea Sylvatica (ディオスコレア・シルバチカ)” – germination – Seedling

Seeds of “Dioscorea Sylvatica” by BN, 2018

Sowing : 25. May. 2018

Rooting : about 1 week

[Notes] medium – vermiculite, water in propagator / room temperature (about 22c) / germination rate: 80%

It’s my first time to sow “Dioscorea Sylvatica”. I have sowed “Dioscore Elephantipes” a few times in the past. It normally takes for 2 months to get germinated so it was a good surprise!

Germination of “Dioscorea Sylvatica”, by BN, 2018

The first leaf of “Dioscorea Sylvatica” by BN, 2018

(備考) ディオスコレア・シルバチカは、亀甲竜の葉を少し細長くしたような形をした葉をつけています。種も見た目はあまり変わらないように思いました。ただ、発芽のスピードが格段に早くてびっくりしました。これは、種類が違うからなのか、今回入手した種がたまたまそうだったのか、真相はわかりません。

“Adenium Obesum” – gernimation – seedling

Germination of “Adenium Obesum”by BN, 2018

[Sowing] : 26. March. 2018

[Rooting] : 30. March. 2018

[Notes] : Medium – well drained cactus soil / electric propergator (about 30c)

It was very easy and quick to germinate. It also so quick to grow as well. After germination, I took them out from the electric propergator and put them in a nomal propergator.

[P.S.] : None of my seedlings couldn’t survive their first winter outside. It seems that they are not good at the coldness comparing to the other caudex plants I own. (Spring, 2019)

“Adenium Obesum” by BN, 2018

“Adenium Obesum” by BN, 2018

Seedlings of “Adenium Obesum” by BN, 2018

“パキポディウム・エブルネウム” – 発芽 – 実生苗

“Pachypodium Eburneum” by BN, 06.04.2018

[播種] : 2. April. 2018

[発根] : 5. April. 2018

[科] : キョウチクトウ科

[原産] : マダガスカル

[海抜] : 1500 – 1999 メートル

[備考] : 播種まえの24時間、メネデール入りの水に種につけました。種がかなり水を含んだように見えました。もう少し短くても良かったような気もします。


[追記] : 2019年4月、1年目の冬を無事に越したのは、そのうち1苗のみです。

“Pachypodium Eburneum” by BN, 08.05.2018