“Uncarina Roeoesliana” in Autumn

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BotanyNotes, 2018
“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BotanyNotes, 2018

Family: Pedaliaceae
Genus: Uncarina
Origin: Madagascar
Sun: full

The seed does not germinate easily. My seeds germinated 2 out of 10.
It’s difficult to propergate by cuttings either.
However, it’s quite easy to care once it germinates.

My Uncarina Roeoesliana is slowing down and doesn’t take water so much, and seems going to sleep soon.

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” – germination – seedling

“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BN, 31.7.2018
“Uncarina Roeoesliana” by BN, 02.08.2018

Sowing : 16.07.2018

Rooting: 30.07.2018

Sprouting: 02.08.2018

[Notes] Seed soaking for 24 hours / germinated in propagator / about 30℃ / well drained soil / Germination rate: 22% (2 out of 9 / 07.08.2018)